
Posts Tagged ‘aglow’

An Intercessors Response to Current Events

January 31st, 2020 Comments off

Is dealing with anger essential for prayer? Important for Strategy? That’s what one intercessor found out when dealing with her anger over current issues.

The following prayer blog was written by Barbara Potts, State Prayer Coordinator of Maryland, USA.

I confess that I find it difficult to hear or read any media reports without anger rising within me. We are in turbulent times. Anger and anger-induced violence are rampant across our nation. An intercessor has observed that a spirit of anger has been released over America, creating a volatile atmosphere. Biblically, God’s anger is against sin, but is motivated by love. For His desire is to protect His seed. However, unredeemed human anger opens up a portal of agreement with the enemy. We must not allow anger to rise up in us, because, in anger we are giving place to the devil. (See Ephesians 4:26-27) As Believers in Christ, we have all authority over the enemy (Luke 10:19), but we can’t cast out what we have come into agreement with. So we find that the enemy uses our unredeemed anger against us to advance his agenda.

On the other hand, as we carry the Spirit of Christ, His Presence in us subdues anger. We must not react from our emotions, but respond from compassion and love. Indeed, “a soft answer turns away wrath.” (Proverbs 15:1) As we walk in forgiveness and love, releasing SHALOM wherever we go, LOVE will displace and dis-empower anger. All of its children, including fear, guilt, and rejection, will also be dismantled.

This is so strategic at this time in order to turn the nation! The enemy uses our anger against us – even our anger against evil. As Graham Cooke says, we must come in the opposite spirit. Let’s agree that we will NOT give any place to the devil or come into agreement with him through our thoughts and emotional responses.
Our only alignment is with God – His nature, His purposes, His Majesty.


• Repent for any and all anger you have held against any situation or any person/people. Ask the Lord to help you to respond in LOVE and compassion that will disempower anger when you feel anger rise up in you. DO NOT LET THE SUN GO DOWN ON YOUR ANGER. (Ephesians 4:26)
• Ask the Lord to release His SHALOM over your nation, over hearts fraught with fear, anger, and retribution; and minds captivated by hatred, suspicion and wounds of the past.
• Ask the Lord to release His SHALOM that subdues chaos, and brings a spirit of UNITY over houses of government where legislation is being mapped out amidst political dissention.
• Ask the Spirit of Christ, His love and compassion, to rise up within you, and do not come into agreement with anger, fear or condemnation. Instead, rise up in faith and trust in God to fight the battles against evil. (Isaiah 59:17-18) He loves to execute righteousness and justice in the earth! (Psalm 103:6)

Let the mind of Christ be in you . . .
Philippians 2:5-11

We Are a Light Shining in The Darkness

October 4th, 2019 2 comments

The following blog was contributed by Joan Bennett, Aglow Int’l Director – Asia/South Pacific

Something special happened at the Leaders’ Summit during the 2019 Jerusalem Convocation this month.

National Leadership from over 30 nations gathered together for this program, which was purposely focused on prayer for the nations where current events, including extreme difficulties, governments in turmoil, and terrorist activity, were being reported in the news daily. Prayers went out for Hong Kong, Korea, Sri Lanka, Colombia, and Venezuela as well as nations in Africa such as Nigeria, Zimbabwe, and Congo.
Prayer was also raised for Armenia and other nations and for Aglow nations where there is a new work beginning or new growth coming forth. 

As different National Leaders brought updates or concerns for their nations or region, Nancy McDaniel lead us in powerful “air supremacy” prayers for each nation with the leaders praying in agreement. About halfway through the summit, to our surprise the power went out! We were suddenly in the dark with only minimal light. The microphone was out of power, and the recording equipment was stopped. I was concerned that the women would leave… but we felt to continue on in spite of the darkness and lack of power. 

Surprisingly…everyone stayed.

Cell phone flashlights turned on throughout the room, their lights shining brightly in the darkness as the women stayed in their seats. We continued praying.
These Aglow women and men would not be stopped by the darkness. They were steadfast in their conviction to continue listening to each update and praying for each nation.   

As I looked out on the individual cell phone lights I felt the Lord impress on me… this was a picture of the army of Aglow positioned in the nations for such a time as this

We have been equipped.
We stand ready in our call.
We are as lights shining in these dark times. 
We will not be moved, because we know we have been called for this time in history! 

This is Aglow at its finest prepared to follow after His end times purposes. 

It was a powerful time of warring for the nations in unified prayer. One day we will see all that was accomplished in heaven and on earth as Aglow held ground and prayed for the nations that day and will continue to pray in the days ahead. The power came back on a few minutes after we closed our last prayer for the National Leaders Summit. But we didn’t mind. We have a Light. We are a Light.

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Prayer is a Place of Abiding – Part One

June 6th, 2012 4 comments


The following blog was contributed by Dave McDaniel.
Dave is one of our Men of Issachar and husband of Nancy McDaniel. 

As Graham Cooke has so accurately described, the Body of Christ has moved into its finest hour by moving from visitation to habitation.  Simply put, this is a place of abiding.  Jane Hansen Hoyt recently added on April 16th, “I believe that Aglow has been coming into a new time of communion with God.  I believe we have been realizing a new anointing on the new covenant, and walking with a greater understanding of the fullness of our identity in Christ.  It is truly a transitional time for us.”

How do we transition into this place of fullness?  How can we feel such a drawing of the Spirit into the secret place of abiding while at the same time being confronted with experiences of such hardship and testing?  There is no mistake that we are experiencing a shaking in the earth today.  The global financial market and political structures are quickly collapsing.  Our faith is being tested, and the Spirit is urging us to press in to the place of abiding in Jesus. 

Standing Tall in a Small World
John 15 beautifully describes the fruitful relationship of abiding in Jesus.  While chaos and uncertainty become the norm in the earth today, we can press into the secret place of His presence and remain there.  The key in this powerful place is to realize that we are not there for the purpose of avoiding the perplexing challenges that lie ahead; instead we are there to be empowered with revelation and wisdom to speak into these challenges.  We are being empowered to stand tall in a small world with the power to declare the Word of the Lord.  John 15:7 says, “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire and it shall be done for you.”  Notice it didn’t say “Word” but “words”.  Its particular meaning is “an utterance (individual, collective or special).”  Jesus wants our relationship to be so close that He can utter a word for an individual He has scheduled to come across our path, a collective word that can change a mountain of influence, or a special word that can change the direction of a nation.   Our commitment to live in habitation, rather than visitation, is essential for this divine exchange.  Since abiding is the key to remaining in this place of empowerment,  we all have permission to enter.  However, it will be those who choose to dwell in this place who will operate as divine carriers of revelation, understanding and power in this hour. 

(Watch for Part Two – “Preparing the Soil” and “How Do You Abide?”)