The following blog was contributed by Jessica Wilson, Administrative Assistant – Prayer Office and Anti-Trafficking Specialist
I am still digesting what went on during our 2012 Aglow U.S. National Conference, and the amazing things that God did in our midst. In particular, I have been mulling over the phrase “It is no longer ‘business as usual’.”
I recently re-read the book Alice In Wonderland and was struck by a great quote that seemed to explain this to me in a fresh way. Alice had just picked up a piece of cake, expecting to start growing bigger or smaller after eating it and then – “She was quite surprised to find that she remained the same size. To be sure, this is what generally happens when one eats cake, but Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way.”
Isn’t that the epitome of ‘faith like a child’? When God does unexpected things in our life, we should continue to expect the unexpected – not expect things to go back as they were before! No more ‘business as usual’!

The following blog was contributed by Dave McDaniel.
Dave is one of our Men of Issachar and husband of Nancy McDaniel.

Preparing the Soil
As God has been speaking to me about areas of my own life, I found myself studying the Parable of the Soils in Luke 8. The Word I sense the Lord has given me comes from the saturation of a deeper understanding of abiding in Him and preparing my soil to be fertile to receive His heart:
“There are no more Emmaus Road revelations for My children. The crucial revelations of this hour are reserved for those whose hearts are hidden in the secret place where I dwell. For if you choose to dwell in the secret place, you shall abide under My shadow. It is in this special place that the fertile soil of your heart can receive and protect My Word for this hour. Living outside of this place allows the evil one to use all of his influence to steal away the seed or choke out its potential. My former and latter rain is being released to water the soil and ripen the fruit. The former rain has watered the soil of your heart to prepare you for this hour, but the latter rain is quickly approaching that will ripen the fruit that you are developing. I beckon you to inhabit my special secret place; for your true authority will be proportionate to the fruit you carry. Without Me, you can do nothing. The call to abide is so important for this hour for I have threshing floors overflowing with wheat that must be quickly harvested. A release of My new wine is awaiting that will crown you with a new level of authority and wisdom for your future tasks. I have plans to use My special treasure to bring an historic restoration of all things that have been stolen, lost or given away. I have divinely commanded this to happen, and I will reposition you in the places of My goodness that will attract the downtrodden and the hurting. You will be the conduit of power flowing from My veins that will declare My purposes and watch its fulfillment right before your eyes. Can you feel the power, and can you feel the excitement of this new thing I am doing? It is being released in My secret place.
Without abiding in Me in this historical time, your vision and purpose will be distorted and choked out. There is only room for ONE desire in the secret place, and that is a reciprocal release of a harvest covenant. I will be your only desire, the One that you seek, and I will never allow you to be satisfied with anything less. It is up to you to decide, but My heart’s cry is to abide and dwell with My bride, and My true bride will long to dwell with Me. I have longed to prepare My bride as Esther was prepared, washing away all impurities and teaching her how to step in her rightful place. Do not look at your circumstances as a depiction of your future. Your circumstances are only designed to upgrade you into your rightful place. Today I declare that you arise and realize that every test and circumstance that is a Goliath accusation against Me and My Word is a ripe opportunity for your accelerated growth. Respond to every accusation against My purpose with the revelation that you receive in our secret place. Speak the Word and stand still and see the salvation of your God. I will not only deliver you and make an open spectacle of your enemy, but I will also burn off all of your impurities in the process.
How Do You Abide?
How do you abide in Me? Enter. You have been waiting on Me, but beloved, I am in your future waiting one step ahead of you. I’m a progressive God. I said, “Come unto Me.” As you make the decision to enter My presence this day, I will break up the fallow ground of your emotions and your mind to be able to recognize Me in everything. I promise I am deeply engrained in every chapter of your life. I will confound the wise with My plan to use all who enter My chamber. The Emmaus revelation is no longer powerful enough to bring My vengeance upon the enemy. It is in our partnership together—our war room in the secret place—that I will reveal the plans that I have for this hour. Everyone has a pivotal role to play, and I will take you step by step from the war room out into the battlefield and display My victory through you. It will be in the secret place of our abiding together that I will release My scepter in your direction full of power and authority to pronounce judgment upon the enemy. My signet ring of covenant partnership is awaiting your arrival to the secret place of My chamber. You are mine; I am waiting, and so is the future of many nations. I am calling all of the Josephs, the Esthers, the Davids—every ancient anointing to come together as one for some good payback. No more hesitation—Come, My beloved. It is time.”
The following blog was contributed by Dave McDaniel.
Dave is one of our Men of Issachar and husband of Nancy McDaniel.
As Graham Cooke has so accurately describ
ed, the Body of Christ has moved into its finest hour by moving from visitation to habitation. Simply put, this is a place of abiding. Jane Hansen Hoyt recently added on April 16th, “I believe that Aglow has been coming into a new time of communion with God. I believe we have been realizing a new anointing on the new covenant, and walking with a greater understanding of the fullness of our identity in Christ. It is truly a transitional time for us.”
How do we transition into this place of fullness? How can we feel such a drawing of the Spirit into the secret place of abiding while at the same time being confronted with experiences of such hardship and testing? There is no mistake that we are experiencing a shaking in the earth today. The global financial market and political structures are quickly collapsing. Our faith is being tested, and the Spirit is urging us to press in to the place of abiding in Jesus.
Standing Tall in a Small World
John 15 beautifully describes the fruitful relationship of abiding in Jesus. While chaos and uncertainty become the norm in the earth today, we can press into the secret place of His presence and remain there. The key in this powerful place is to realize that we are not there for the purpose of avoiding the perplexing challenges that lie ahead; instead we are there to be empowered with revelation and wisdom to speak into these challenges. We are being empowered to stand tall in a small world with the power to declare the Word of the Lord. John 15:7 says, “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire and it shall be done for you.” Notice it didn’t say “Word” but “words”. Its particular meaning is “an utterance (individual, collective or special).” Jesus wants our relationship to be so close that He can utter a word for an individual He has scheduled to come across our path, a collective word that can change a mountain of influence, or a special word that can change the direction of a nation. Our commitment to live in habitation, rather than visitation, is essential for this divine exchange. Since abiding is the key to remaining in this place of empowerment, we all have permission to enter. However, it will be those who choose to dwell in this place who will operate as divine carriers of revelation, understanding and power in this hour.
(Watch for Part Two – “Preparing the Soil” and “How Do You Abide?”)
There are many different postures for prayer – kneeling, standing, bowing, lying prostrate or even pacing. I suppose we all have our favorite posture for prayer depending on the situation. But there is something that is so much more important than our physical position in prayer – and that is knowing our spiritual position.
Ephesians 2:6 says, “And raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.” This tells us very specifically where we are seated, where we are positioned spiritually. We are seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus! This is so amazing and so empowering!
We are not groping around in the dust and mire of this earth hoping that maybe out there somewhere God just might hear our pitiful little cry for help. No! Our prayer is not a lone and puny voice straining to be heard in the cacophonic chaos of this world. No!
In Christ, we have been raised above the distracting events and the harassing noise of the conditions of the world around us. We are seated in heavenly places where we can see life’s circumstances from an eternal perspective. We are seated in heavenly places where we can be heard by God, the One who is seated on the Throne, when we simply whisper His Name. We are seated in heavenly places where in prayer we can enter a heavenly conversation with God – where we can hear His heart and know His ways as well as pour out our hearts to Him.
When I attended my first Aglow meeting many years ago, someone mistakenly seated me at the head table. I leaned over and asked the president if I should find another seat. She said, “Just sit up straight and act like you belong.” According to God’s Word, we have been seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. And that’s no mistake. We really do belong there!
So, when we pray, whether we kneel or stand or bow or walk, we can pray with the confidence and authority of those who are seated in heavenly places.