Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Transformation Mission – Alaska July 2010
“2010 is the year of the wind…Alaska will see a move of the Holy Spirit among the Native Alaskans. New wells of revival will break out and many will drink from the well of salvation.” (Cindy Jacobs) Keep Copper Center, Tazlina, Glukana, Chitina, Delta Junction and Fairbanks Alaska in your prayers as the transformation Team: Cheryl Fran Holly…
Another Great Opportunity
I would like to invite you on a short and different mission trip to be a part of the Arab Festival in Dearborn, MI.For the last four years Aglow women and some men have been coming along a ministry named Impact International in running the Arab Festival. This Festival draws around 300,000 people in the…
Peruvian Team Home 2010
Most of the team have arrived home after a hard working yet fruitful team trip. Miriam remains visiting her family a few days. Ilene and Louis are off touring in the mountains before they travel home. The challenges were in communication, a small amount of sickness, sometimes coming home from praying for sick around midnight…
August 2010 Rejuvenation Reactivation Philippines
August 2010 Philippines
Numbers 20:12 “But the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, “Because you did not trust in me enough to honor me as holy in the sight of the Israelites, you will not bring this community into the land I give them.” Trust equals honor and honor equals God lifted up as holy in the…
Web Evangelism
Websites for Web Evangelism Training and Tools
Uganda Team June 2010
Uganda June 2010
Peru For Jesus March 2010
Peru For Jesus March 17-April 2
Samar, Philippines April
April 2010 Samar Philippines Team
Welcome to the new Transformation blog!
Outreaches are all about God’s transformation of people, of communities, of nations. When Jesus said, “Go ye into all the world…” He was talking about us, the bearers of His image, taking news of His transforming power to people who did not yet know it. He was talking about radical, down-to-the-bone-marrow change in the nature of…
Got any book recommendations?