God Moving in Mystical Myanmar

Once again another group of eager Aglow transformers journeyed to the other side of the world to visit and share with others. Six of us-five women and one courageous man- joined the CMC missionaries, Marcy and Paul Babor, in Yangon, the capital pf Myanmar. (formerly Burma). Much to our delight they brought with them their twin three year old daughters and four twenty-something ladies from California who are interning with them in the Philippines for a year. You can imagine what a lively group we had!

Because this was the first time in Myanmar for the entire team, we were wondering what God had in store. We knew it would be hot there (average temperature was 100), that we would be expected to eat much rice in local homes, and that we women needed to wear long skirts. I mention that because by the end of the time there , most of us had grown comfortable with their native dress (skirt), the” longi ” (not sure of spelling) and had adopted it for ourselves. Because the country is opening up to modern conveniences so rapidly, the electrical system had a hard time keeping up so there were many instances of no electricity. Regardless of these issues, the ministry there was very fruitful and inspirational. Actually it seemed very much like the Philippines. We were reminded of our FIlipino friends frequently.The people there were friendly, helpful and welcoming–as well as very open to what we shared. God was faithful to make Himself known to them which resulted in many who prayed the salvation prayer and also many who were healed physically. In the ten days we were there the team visited villages, meeting in homes of Christians who invited their Buddhist neighbors, friends and relatives to come and hear the
“foreigners.” Attendance varied from home to home but we were able to share with a large numberof people, many of whom were very receptive. Local Christian pastors were elated at their response and will be diligently following up their interested newcomers. God is so good to follow our efforts with signs and wonders.

This was done on each morning. In the afternoon we visited various landmarks throughout the city, Yangon.We had entered on tourist visas so acted like tourists. We went to the shopping area, visited the largest Buddhist pagoda, spent time at the largest lake and park in the area, took in some cultural dances and puppetry at a Cultural Center and visited many good restaurants. I personally would rather not eat any rice or noodles –the staple in their culinary efforts- for awhile. All in all the work there was much easier than we had expected and it was a joy to see all that God did.As we know and are coming more and more aware, God cares about all people and it was an honor to serve in the mystical land of Myanmar.

Written by Cheryl Erbes






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